Easy 2x2x2 Brain Teaser Magic IQ Puzzle — купить онлайн / Недорогой интернет-магазин DealExtreme
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Easy 2x2x2 Brain Teaser Magic IQ Puzzle

Easy 2x2x2 Brain Teaser Magic IQ Puzzle
Цена: 345 руб.

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  • Easy 2x2x2 Brain Teaser Magic IQ Puzzle
  • Easy 2x2x2 Brain Teaser Magic IQ Puzzle
  • Easy 2x2x2 Brain Teaser Magic IQ Puzzle

Описание товара

The 2x2x2 brain teaser magic IQ puzzle is perfect to practice your brain and improve your memory and hand skills. It is with smooth and easy rotation brain teaser magic cube movement. The magic IQ cube activates your imagination and creativity and practice your brain and improve your memory and hand skills.

Dimensions: 2.17 in x 2.17 in x 2.17 in
Weight: 3.25 oz
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  • Rangler
    <>Questa ?? l”ennesima prova che i modelli sono ampiamente imprecisi. Ogni modello fornisce previsioni diverse, a volte persino in completo diBoicordo.scsagnerebbe togliere questo velo politico che ha coperto la climatologia e ritornare a fare seriamente scienza.
    28.06.2016 00:38
  • Bubi
    Wow – so CNN is surprised that no one watched them – nothing but a bunch of lygih,wnining liberals who have over played their self worth – maybe CNN will go the way of Obama – one and done.
    28.06.2016 00:45
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Легкая магическая головоломка кубик 2x2x2
Легкая магическая головоломка кубик 2x2x2 подходит для интелектуальных упражнений мозга, для улучшения памяти и моторики рук. Легкое и плавное вращением кубика. Головоломка кубик 2x2x2 активизирует ваше воображение и творческие способности, тренирует вать мозг и улучшает память и моторику рук.
Размеры: 2,17'' х 2,17'' х 2,17''
Вес: 3,25 унции
Easy 2x2x2 Brain Teaser Magic IQ Puzzle
The 2x2x2 brain teaser magic IQ puzzle is perfect to practice your brain and improve your memory and hand skills. It is with smooth and easy rotation brain teaser magic cube movement. The magic IQ cube activates your imagination and creativity and practice your brain and improve your memory and hand skills.

Dimensions: 2.17 in x 2.17 in x 2.17 in
Weight: 3.25 oz