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Select Regional Settings ZHAOYAO Jelbo Screws Remove Demolition Tool, Screw Extractor Drill Bit Set Kit (4 PCS) Hot Products Related Products ZHAOYAO Jelbo Screws Remove Demolition Tool, Screw Extractor Drill Bit Set Kit (4 PCS) Wholesale Inquiry New Arrivals
Цена: 515 руб.
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Описание товара
High qualityAlloy steel (S2) material
Rapid, portable, remove the screw ,pipe, bolts have been damaged.
1, With the speed can be change and -direction of the electric drill.
2, the first thing to determine when using extractor and ensure the safety of the tool and will not be moving.
3, the screw head be damaged thicker than extractor , with the drilling head end drill a hole( deep enough) in the middle of the screw head.
4, reverse screw extractor and into the damaged screw counterclockwise, until removed.
Operation or in the vicinity of electric tools, please wear glasses boxes and protective clothing.
High qualityAlloy steel (S2) material
Rapid, portable, remove the screw ,pipe, bolts have been damaged.
1, With the speed can be change and -direction of the electric drill.
2, the first thing to determine when using extractor and ensure the safety of the tool and will not be moving.
3, the screw head be damaged thicker than extractor , with the drilling head end drill a hole( deep enough) in the middle of the screw head.
4, reverse screw extractor and into the damaged screw counterclockwise, until removed.
Operation or in the vicinity of electric tools, please wear glasses boxes and protective clothing.
General | |
Brand | ZHAOYAO |
Quantity | 1 set |
Material | Iron |
Other Features | |
Certification | - |
Dimensions & Weight | |
Dimensions | 0.79 in x 0.79 in x 0.79 in (2 cm x 2 cm x 2 cm) |
Weight | 6.98 oz (198 g) |
Packing List |
4 x Screw Extractors |
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Винты Jelbo ZHAOYAO удаляют инструмент для сноса, комплект комплекта сверла с экстрактом винта (4 шт)
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Винты Jelbo ZHAOYAO удаляют инструмент для сноса, комплект комплекта сверла с экстрактом винта (4 шт)
Оптовый запрос
Новые поступления
High qualityAlloy steel (S2) material
Rapid, portable, remove the screw ,pipe, bolts have been damaged.
1, With the speed can be change and -direction of the electric drill.
2, the first thing to determine when using extractor and ensure the safety of the tool and will not be moving.
3, the screw head be damaged thicker than extractor , with the drilling head end drill a hole( deep enough) in the middle of the screw head.
4, reverse screw extractor and into the damaged screw counterclockwise, until removed.
Operation or in the vicinity of electric tools, please wear glasses boxes and protective clothing.
High qualityAlloy steel (S2) material
Rapid, portable, remove the screw ,pipe, bolts have been damaged.
1, With the speed can be change and -direction of the electric drill.
2, the first thing to determine when using extractor and ensure the safety of the tool and will not be moving.
3, the screw head be damaged thicker than extractor , with the drilling head end drill a hole( deep enough) in the middle of the screw head.
4, reverse screw extractor and into the damaged screw counterclockwise, until removed.
Operation or in the vicinity of electric tools, please wear glasses boxes and protective clothing.
Генеральная | |
марка | ZHAOYAO |
количество | 1 set |
материал | железо |
Другие особенности | |
сертификация | - |
Размер и вес | |
Размер | 0.79 in x 0.79 in x 0.79 in (2 cm x 2 cm x 2 cm) |
Вес | 6.98 oz (198 g) |
Упаковочный лист |
4 x винтовые экстракторы |
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ZHAOYAO Jelbo Screws Remove Demolition Tool, Screw Extractor Drill Bit Set Kit (4 PCS)
Hot Products
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ZHAOYAO Jelbo Screws Remove Demolition Tool, Screw Extractor Drill Bit Set Kit (4 PCS)
Wholesale Inquiry
New Arrivals
High qualityAlloy steel (S2) material
Rapid, portable, remove the screw ,pipe, bolts have been damaged.
1, With the speed can be change and -direction of the electric drill.
2, the first thing to determine when using extractor and ensure the safety of the tool and will not be moving.
3, the screw head be damaged thicker than extractor , with the drilling head end drill a hole( deep enough) in the middle of the screw head.
4, reverse screw extractor and into the damaged screw counterclockwise, until removed.
Operation or in the vicinity of electric tools, please wear glasses boxes and protective clothing.
High qualityAlloy steel (S2) material
Rapid, portable, remove the screw ,pipe, bolts have been damaged.
1, With the speed can be change and -direction of the electric drill.
2, the first thing to determine when using extractor and ensure the safety of the tool and will not be moving.
3, the screw head be damaged thicker than extractor , with the drilling head end drill a hole( deep enough) in the middle of the screw head.
4, reverse screw extractor and into the damaged screw counterclockwise, until removed.
Operation or in the vicinity of electric tools, please wear glasses boxes and protective clothing.
General | |
Brand | ZHAOYAO |
Quantity | 1 set |
Material | Iron |
Other Features | |
Certification | - |
Dimensions & Weight | |
Dimensions | 0.79 in x 0.79 in x 0.79 in (2 cm x 2 cm x 2 cm) |
Weight | 6.98 oz (198 g) |
Packing List |
4 x Screw Extractors |
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