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Inspection Oil Service Reset Tool for BMW 1982~2001 (Black)
Цена: 843 руб.
Вы можете приобрести этот товар по более низкой цене на Aliexpress.com:
- Model: 090025
- Color: Black
- Material: Plastic casing
- Workable Models:
- BMW build 1982-2001 with 20 pin diagnostic socket located in the engine compartment
- Usage:
- Plug the device into the 20 pin diagnostic socket of the car located in the engine compartment
- Turn ignition key to enable the board electronic but don't turn on the motor
- Press the button for the operation you want to perform and keep it pressed
- The LED of the chosen operation will be on
- Reset is done when the LED is turning off itself, then release the button
- Cable Length: 30cm
- Color: Black
- Material: Plastic casing
- Workable Models:
- BMW build 1982-2001 with 20 pin diagnostic socket located in the engine compartment
- Usage:
- Plug the device into the 20 pin diagnostic socket of the car located in the engine compartment
- Turn ignition key to enable the board electronic but don't turn on the motor
- Press the button for the operation you want to perform and keep it pressed
- The LED of the chosen operation will be on
- Reset is done when the LED is turning off itself, then release the button
- Cable Length: 30cm
Dimensions: 3.54 in x 1.97 in x 1.97 in (9.0 cm x 5.0 cm x 5.0 cm)
Weight: 4.37 oz (124 g)
Weight: 4.37 oz (124 g)
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